Kraka Collection

Data: Four Kraka pieces - "a maybe the best Kraka though not unique," "a maybe the best standard Kraka", "a maybe unique" and "an interesting early experiment" - that together could well make up the most complete "small" Kraka collection there is.

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Modernist Ravenna

Data: Signed; Orrefors, Sweden, Ravenna, Nr 530, Sven Palmqvist. Height; 12 cm, length 23 cm. An early somewhat boat-shaped Ravenna (I believe it is a "double Ravenna).

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The @ Ravenna

Data: Height 15 cm, width 22cm. Signed; “Orrefors, Sweden, Ravenna Nr 166 Sven Palmqvist. A boat-shaped piece with a decor of what seems a mix of @'s and what we Swedes call "löpande hund"/(leaping dogs?). I believe this is a double Ravenna.

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Hald Ariel

Data: Signed; Orrefors, Ariel nr 2132 II, Hald”. The “II” probably stands for “inferior quality”, and if so, this is probably motivated by the line in the base. 

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Aqva Graal

Data: Signed; "Aqvagraal, Edward Hald, Orrefors 1958”. Height; 18 cm. An unusual Aqvagraal in the shape of a pear. 

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Unique Fishgraal

Data: Signed; Orrefors Sweden Graal nr 1500 Edward Hald. Height; 15 cm. A fishgraal that looks as if from 1937 in a possibly unique shape.

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Data: Signed; Orrefors 37 Sweden Graal nr 96 Edward Hald. Height; 19.7cm. Motif; Fish and seaweed in various tones of green. 

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Early Orange Hald Graal

Data: Signed; Orrefors, 1937 Graal N 67, Edward Hald. Height; 16.5 cm. Motif: Blue/lilac on orange, seaweed, air-bubbles and frosted glass - a stunning and unique Hald-Graal. 

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Heaven and Hell

Data: Height; 28.5cm. Diameter; 31cm. Signed; “Orrefors, 1928, S Gate, E.Weidlich No 333”. Also inscribed in the base; “To the right honourable lord mayor of London and the lady mayoress in memory of the Stockholm. Exhibition 1930.” Motif; Erupting forest-clad volcanos, a setting (or possibly rising) sun, angels and creatures falling out of the sky. 

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Blue & Red Rider

Data: Signed; Orrefors, Ariel E. Ohrstrom, 1938. Height; 19 cm. Motif; Blue & Red Rider on Horse against a background of amorphous blobs/splendid vegetation.

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