El-Castillo-de-las-Focas-inglesWe are acquainted with a black boxer who, for reasons that you will have to read the book to understand, sells his skeleton in advance to a marquis. Another character explains to us how to buy cocaine at wholesale prices and sell it at the black market price. The cast is an amazing one, and it alone makes it well worth reading this book from the first to the last page. This is the first of Laszlo's two dark and tragicomic period pieces: whereas The Seal Castle is set in Budapest its companion, The Crab's Rhapsody, is set in Paris, which was Laszlo's next stop on his unorthodox journey through life. Neither this book nor The Crab's Rhapsody, bear any resemblance to Laszlo's following works. The Seal Castle, with a strengthened emphasis on the love story part, would make for good cine. Read the book partVIDEO