As a drug policy researcher, I have some important things to say about how drug supply illegality corrupts the fabric of society, and about how it is a scam. I would like to give talks about this (in English, Swedish or Spanish). However, to get "in demand" as a lecturer I will need to make high-quality videos (60 bad ones in Swedish & English are already on my YouTube channel), as well as a “TED talk style video” on why illegality is a scam. This will be expensive, and I need help to get finance for professional help (script development, new illustrations, video shooting, video editing, distribution, promotion, etc.).
As a drug policy researcher, I do have some important things to say about how illegality corrupts, and I am okay at giving talks (in English, Swedish & Spanish). Assuming that I will succeed in making high-quality videos, I will need help with: 1. Promotion, 2. Arranging/booking a lecture tour, and 3. Get to give a TED Talk.