Junior, sebbene non sappia scrivere molto bene, sente di avere qualcosa di importante da dire sull'illegalità della droga e sul fatto che il denaro diventa la misura di ciò di cui non dovrebbe essere permesso di diventarne la misura. Ha anche alcune idee insolite su come organizzare / strutturare i testi e una weltanschauung (visione del mondo) meno negativa di Senior. Poiché i suoi pensieri sulla politica sulle droghe non erano apprezzati nella sua Svezia, si è fatto una lista dei desideri per diventare "ascoltabile", qualcosa che gli ha dato il tipo di vita per la quale non si dovrebbe essere in grado di farla franca, in questa epoca ed età. Grazie.
Andres Laszlo Jr., aged less than two, was placed in the lap of Marilyn Monroe who allegedly said he was cute, so from that point onwards his life by definition has been downhill, and eighteen years later he found himself the 3rd worst student of his school despite studying more than most and weighing in at 26 stones. A year and a half later he was the fastest student in the world (or close to it), occasionally sidelining in modeling.Andres Laszlo Jr., aged less than two, was placed in the lap of Marilyn Monroe who allegedly said he was cute, so from that point onwards his life by definition has been downhill, and eighteen years later he found himself the 3rd worst student of his school despite studying more than most and weighing in at 26 stones. A year and a half later he was the fastest student in the world (or close to it), occasionally sidelining in modeling. PASSING TWO CUTE GIRLS IN THE STREET, LISTENING TO THEM GIGGLE AT ME, ONE PART OF ME SAID “THEY THINK I’M HOT,” THE OTHER PART SAID, “I LOOK SO DISGUSTING THAT THEY WANNA THROW UP.” OF COURSE, I WENT TOTALLY BONKERS. Junior assumed himself to be God’s gift to humanity and went in search of something good enough to devote his newfound self to fight for. Finding only scales of grey, he changed his approach, and instead, he went in search of something bad enough to fight against. The scales were still grey, but since the darkest grey stuff on the "fight-against-list" (drug illegality and money becoming the measure of what it oughtn't to become a measure of) seemed closer to black than the lightest grey seemed to white on the "fight-for-list" (more/broader education and thinking for oneself/skepticism) he settled for "against" and though money becoming the measure of what it oughtn't to become a measure of bothered him a lot (and still does), he settled for drug illegality. His drug-thinking was, and still is: Let others occupy themselves about the users; what worries me is that illegality's higher prices create a whole lot more than less use: criminals, corruption, oligopolizacion, giant supplier surpluses and the way these monopoly-like surplusses are laundered and invested. What little good stuff follows from illegalization doesn’t come even close to compensate for this. However, in his native Sweden, he found no encouragement: "We strongly recommend against such a thesis, and there’d be nobody outside police and academia allowed at your disputation,"said his supervisor. "I don’t understand what you want to achieve," said Hans Holmér (Sweden’s “National Police Commissioner”), and "We cannot support such an approach," said Vienna (UNODC). As going from "best" student to mediocre (or at least unrecognized) Ph.D. wasn't a very attractive prospect, Laszlo Jr. gave up on academia and embarked on an all-the-things-a-man-should-have-done project, in order that if he one day got into the position to say something worthwhile to an audience that would be willing to listen, he would be properly prepared to do so. The first thing on his list was to sail around the world. "ANDRES, YOU MIGHT BE BIG AND STRONG, BUT ONE NIGHT WHEN YOU SLEEP, I WILL KILL YOU," A LITTLE GIRL ON THE BOAT TOLD ME. I HAD TO LEAVE AND LATER THE BOAT SUNK: I LOST MY LAST CORONA. Laszlo Jr. gave up: broke and humiliated he returned to Sweden with the unpalatable knowledge that in order to do all those things a man should have done, one needs not only a cool bucket-list but also money. Charlotte, a friend at Bukowski's (at the time sot of Sweden’s “Sotheby’s”), told him:I say you should buy Swedish art deco, and my boyfriend says Swedish art glass.Out of this Laszlo Jr. came up with "Orrefors 1925 – 1950." He emptied the glass shops, bought cheaply at auction, sold the lesser part of his collection, wrote a book, and became well off and famous. "I TRIED TO TELL THE SWEDES THAT ORREFORS ART GLASS 1925 - 50 WAS THE ONLY THING THAT WE HAVE BEEN BEST AT SINCE THE VIKING'S WOOD AND SILVER, BUT AGAIN: NOBODY LISTENED." For a second time Andres Laszlo Jr. set up an “all-the-things-a-man-should-have-done-list" - actually, he based it on a list he had composed at the age of 9 or 10, and he then spent 20 years pursuing the things on the list: ENGLISH AS WRITTEN LANGUAGE (√), ATHLETE (√), 3Y AT OXFORD (√), B.A. PHILOSOPHY (√), B.A. WRITING (√), OALD BY HEART (√), SHOOT MAN-EATING TIGER (AN ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING RESOLUTION - SORRY), SURF PIPELINE (√), 200 COUNTRIES (187 WITH VERY CREATIVE COUNTING) & ACT JAMES BOND (FAILED BUT I APPLIED; THEY ARE PROBABLY STILL LAUGHING AT ME). For 20 years, he had an indecent amount of fun and good fortune, doing (and failing to do) these things, while starting out on various writing projects. He then settled down in Fuengirola, Spain, where he has worked on his own texts, and on blowing some fresh into the writings of his once-famous father. Also: Laszlo Jr. is Swedish and French by nationality and has lived “everywhere,” people and animals have tried to kill him a dozen times. He speaks English, Swedish, Spanish, French, and Danish (though most Danes doesn't realize this). He is a bit of a giant, and he has probably done more brainless things than your five daftest friends together. Laszlo Jr. has also been: a mediocre actor, a too-tall model, an arrogant bridge-player, a chess protégé, a slicing golfer, an art collector/exhibitor an unbalanced rower, a should-have-been rower, and a ridiculously unexplosive discus-thrower. PACO NEVER FAILS, 2015 is a translation and (a minor) adaptation of Andre's Laszlo Sr.'s original text PACO EL SEGURO (an earlier English Random House translation exists).This adaptation is designed to make the book more attractive to contemporary readers and especially to film-makers, who in the past have shown interest. THE CASPIAN CONNECTION (second book unfiniished) is one of my two remaining major projects. In this trilogy, we follow the adventures of Odin's son as he walks the earth in the 21st century, unaware of his ancestry and subjected to plenty of temptations. Two books are written and publishable/presentable in both English (THE SEVENTH LOT & A QUESTION OF HONOUR) and Swedish (DET SJUNDE UTROPED & EN FRÅGA OM HEDER). The back- and hidden stories are quite elaborate, and I think of them as not all that far behind those of THE LORD OF THE RINGS. DYSFUNCTIONAL DISCOURSES II: WHY & HOW? (unfinished) is my second remaining major project, and something I intend to try to make my intellectual legacy. It holds that we (as in "we humanity") organize ourselves dysfunctionally - as when we, for example, illegalize drugs - and tries to through some light on how and why we do so. ILLEGALITY (unfinished) is a dramatic and well-illustrated critique of drug illegality, claiming that it is not only dysfunctional, but also a scam. This is really a script for a 5 video TED-talk, and though not finished, it is presentable.